Does your practice live in the land of Hopefully? How to change your reality.

business plan change customer satisfaction customer service leadership patient management practice management practice values systems team training Oct 04, 2020
aspire2d blog

The practices that have set up shop in the land of Hopefully often live a sad reality, waiting for things to improve.

They open their doors everyday and eagerly await their next client. The team is trying so hard, all the operational systems and procedures are in place yet something isn't right.  They're not really enjoying the work and financially, things are stressed. 

"We see every patient that calls, we even stay back to see them.  But some don't come back. What's going wrong?"

Most days in the land of Hopefully, these are the worries of those practices:

Hopefully they’ll turn up.

Hopefully they’ll pay.

Hopefully they won’t want a discount.

Hopefully they’ll like us.

Hopefully they’re happy. 

Hopefully they won’t give us a bad review.

Hopefully they’ll come back for the exam.

Hopefully they’ll go ahead with the treatment plan.

Hopefully they’ll be able to afford that treatment.

Hopefully they won’t shop around for lower prices.

Hopefully they’ll come back regularly.

Hopefully they’ll love us.

Hopefully they’ll refer their friends and family.

Hopefully our schedule will get filled.

Hopefully we can pay the bills.

Hopefully we’ll have a successful practice someday.


Hopefullys are a lost opportunity.

Hopefullys are a customer service protocol or system in need.

Hopefullys are a business or patient system lacking.

Hopefullys are a communication breakdown.

Hopefullys are a shortfall in training, information and knowledge.

Hopefullys come from a lack of purpose or vision.


How many of these hopefullys have you or your team thought over the last year?


If you're living in the land of Hopefully, consider it a short-term stay only if you're a new practice or newly transitioned. It's natural to have these thoughts until you get going. You're just surviving and trying to build your practice, that's ok. But don't dwell here too long. 

Anyone else needs to relocate, fast.

To do that, you have to accept these truths:

The first truth is that without a clear vision, determining your purpose followed by planning and systems to make it a reality, you will be stuck in Hopefully.

A vision without a plan is only a dream.

Goals without a plan are just a wish.

Planning without purpose is aimless.


The second truth is that you are casting your net too wide.  Who is your ideal client? Anyone? Everyone? Bending over backwards for the wrong clientele will only break your back and your bank.

Find those people who share your values, your care philosophy, who want what you're offering and are happy to pay for it.  Gear your marketing, promotion and all your efforts to attract and retain these clients.

But you must do this...

Seek them out in your schedule.

Identify these treasures and treasure them.

Take exceptional care of them.

Create ambassadors.


Where to start?

  1. Identify the hopefullys in your practice - this will become your action list.  Create a plan to eliminate that negative thought with a procedure, policy or system.
  2. Work on your purpose and vision, either as the business owner or as a team.
  3. Start planning on how you will link your purpose to your patient care and operations.


Coming soon

Aspire2d can help you find your Practice Purpose with our upcoming Vision and Values short course.  Subscribe to be notified when the course drops.

Need mentoring or training? Contact Renata to learn more.








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