Are team meetings worthwhile?
Feb 15, 2023
Let's address a common complaint about team meetings. Team meetings can certainly be a waste of precious time and funds when they are not utilised properly. Ever walked away from a meeting thinking "What was the point of that?" or "What a waste of time, I could have been seeing patients and making money"? Chances are you have.
Team meetings can be eaten up with stuff that could easily be a team memo or WhatsApp message.
Sometimes time is wasted by sabateurs with their own agendas who take over.
Ineffective team meetings lead to poor results and an inability to follow up with action on the decisions made.
Taking time out of the schedule for team meetings is a large financial cost to the practice (ie lost income, staff wages etc) and so the time should be highly respected and properly utilised. When this precious time is wasted, you've lost that golden opportunity to create real value for your practice, your team and your clients; notwithstanding the hundreds or thousands of dollars of lost production or opportunities.
There is real value in team meetings, especially the morning team 'huddle'. Team meetings are valuable in two ways:
- Great meetings can improve the practice on many levels including productivity, operations, communication and service.
- The time itself away from clients (ie, loss of production) and staff costs mean the monetary value is immense.
Properly run meetings that are productive, informative and enhance the practice will yield greater benefits to the practice and team members in the long term.
This is quality time for you all to connect as a team.
It is an opportunity to create a positive communication environment to allow staff to voice feedback and ideas so they feel included, respected and valued.
It is a time when problems are resolved and consensus is achieved. Information is free flowing.
And best of all, a genuine team spirit can be achieved.
Now, wouldn't that be a fantastic start to each week?
Final tip: Instead of the usual meeting, consider mixing it up with a 'workshop' style meeting and get the whole team involved and engaged.
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