Aspire2d's Sunday Series: Decrease Cancel Short Notice

cancellations communication do on monday fail to attend frontdesk patient behaviour positive verbals sunday series verbal skills Sep 06, 2020

In this special series, we'll look at one simple thing you can introduce into your practice on Monday. Make those small changes to improve performance, refine daily activities, enhance patient service and build your exceptional practice.

Tomorrow at the front desk, you can introduce one simple measure to help decrease the number of cancel short notice (CSN) in your practice. We classify a CSN as a cancellation or rescheduled outside the terms of your policy (48 hours in most practices).

Before we begin and as you may have read in previous blogs, there are many reasons why patients CSN or fail to attend (FTA).  Most of these reasons center around the patient not finding value in the service.  That is actually a huge problem to tackle and one blog can't solve that problem for a practice experiencing high CSN and FTA rates.

But I will mention this: the front desk coordinator (FDC) often bears the brunt of blame and criticism for patients not showing up.  "Were they confirmed?" is usually the first thing uttered after a CSN or FTA. I believe this is unfair.  If a patient really values their appointment, they will keep it regardless of reminder calls.  For example, most people wait weeks for their favourite salon appointment or specialist appointment, often booking ahead and paying a deposit to secure their time.  They aren't likely to forget or miss that appointment.  They'll move heaven and earth to keep that time.

We want our patients to feel that same way.  Creating value and attracting the right patients who want your service is key along with solid booking protocols.  That is a practice-approach and it's also influenced by the dentist's ability to understand the patient and their treatment presentation skills.

Positive communication is key.

As with most problems when managing your clientele, good communication and listening makes a difference . This is one area the FDC can influence and without having to make big changes that involve the team or patient care.

Positive communication has a tremendous effect on the relationship you have with your patients.  The biggest benefit is directly influencing their behaviour.  It's more than being 'nice' and 'friendly'.  It's a technique that revolves around honest and respectful communication, direct in a non confrontational way, is helpful and clarifies a situation and is of mutual benefit.

What does all that mean?

One way I have personally found over recent years is to address the elephant in the room.  If there is an issue, talk about it in that positive manner with your patients.  Using the right language and spoken in the right tone, you can have a positive conversation about usually negative or policy topics.  The patient can understand your point of view and agree to modify their behaviour and align with your expectations without feeling forced into it. All without the negativity of threats, warnings or fines.

What to do Monday.

At the end of every appointment that you make or reschedule for patient whether it's in person, on the phone or electronically; you are simply going to advise them of your expectations of how to appropriately reschedule if necessary.  And I don't mean just stating your policy.

It is not a silver bullet to your CSN or FTA woes but in the meantime, it does help significantly.

It's also interesting to note that many patients will not remember all the details of your conversation so a follow up text, email or letter is advised.  Sometimes dates and times get miscommunicated or misheard so a summary or follow up helps.

Front Desk Exit Conversation Guide

Use this script/guide before you farewell the patient at the desk. Find the balance, use a conversational and calm tone without being blasé.  Make sure you have eye contact and look for signs of agreement, nodding along the way.

Robert, let’s confirm your next appointment now.

It’s on Thursday the 27th of September at 12pm with Dr …...

He will complete the 2 fillings on the top left and you will be with us for one hour.

We will send you a courtesy sms 3 days prior. Please reply yes to that sms once you receive it.

If for some reason you find that day or time no longer suits, please give us at least 2 working days’ notice to make a change. We’d really appreciate that notice.

We look forward to seeing you again!

Patients with a history of CSN/FTA:

…. least 2 working days’ notice to make a change to avoid a fee. That notice allows us to offer your time to another patient who is in need of urgent care. We’d really appreciate that.  Does that sound reasonable to you? Great!

For extra effect, stand next to them as you hand them the appointment card and walk them to the front door. Wave them goodbye.

Track your numbers.

The only way to determine if your new strategy is working is to track your CSN and FTA numbers.  Print a report for the last 30 days and get your baseline.  Do the same every week or fortnight moving forward and watch your numbers decline.

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