7 Negative Impacts on Your Practice From an Undefined Culture
Apr 26, 2022
3, 13 or 30. No matter the size of your team, whether it's full of newbies or a mixture of experienced staff, you're a start up or have been in business for years - your practice culture plays a critical role in your overall success and goal achievement. And the lack of a defined culture definitely impacts your practice and derails your efforts. Culture can help you win or it can send you spiraling downwards - which kind of culture do you have?
First of all, what is culture?
The culture of your practice is made up of the values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours your employer/team has declared core to how your practice operates.
It is a reflection of the Practice Vision - the purpose of your practice, objectives, aspirations, your inspiration and guide to everything.
Your culture sets the tone of your practice and team work. You could say it is the personality or character of your practice.
''We don't have a culture''
Actually, you do. Even if it's not written down, the environment that is created by the employer and employees is your culture.
It's the way you treat your patients. It's the way you treat each other.
Even if it's not written down - your culture exists and it is evident to your patients, your staff, your employer and anyone who comes into contact with your business.
Why is not having your culture documented so risky?
The risk of workplace culture that is undocumented, not clarified and poorly communicated is that you allow your culture to grow naturally into something that is undesirable and at worst, toxic.
Culture can be a powerful driver for many positive outcomes, however if you leave it open to undesirable influences, it can negatively impact your practice.
Let's look at the top 7 negative impacts on your practice:
- Hire people not aligned with practice values
- Individuals make decisions based on their own values
- Tolerate negative or toxic behaviours
- Create a lack-lustre working environment
- Frustration and anger develops from undefined expectations
- Varying degrees of commitment and productivity
- Lose good people - employees and patients!
So many of the issues practices and teams face either stem from a lack of documented culture or a direct result from a negative culture.
When the core values, attitudes and standards are not (continually) communicated, you leave individuals in your team to come up with their own! And worse is not ensuring every person you hire is aligned (fits) with your culture. You let these people in and now you are exposed to the impacts of this misalignment of behaviour, attitudes and standards.
No wonder things can go haywire!
A documented culture charter for the team is invaluable. It outlines the principles that set the cultural and professional standards you all commit to demonstrate and expect of each other.
- positive work environment boosts performance and outcomes
- encouraging environment fosters greater creativity and innovation
- creates a sense of ownership and loyalty from team members
- increases employee satisfaction and happiness
- assists you to attract, satisfy and retain employees with similar values
- facilitates positive behaviour and conduct
- create a framework for standards and expectations for new employees
Create your Team Culture Charter with the top values that are core to how your practice operates.
Display it, share it, talk about it, live it and work on it continually!
To learn more about the benefits of effective team work and build a positive culture, see my guide and short course here
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